Social justice and health
We believe that fairness and solidarity is the fabric of our societies and the basis for a prosperous Europe.
We are passionate about developing a social Europe and support policies that reduce inequality, eradicate poverty and ensure wellbeing for all.
We need a social revolution. The COVID-19, energy, and cost of living crises have highlighted the inequality and injustice upon which our socio-economic systems are built. The solution is: a decent income, affordable housing, a fair tax system, a polluter pays principle, and equal rights. For us, climate justice and social justice must always go hand in hand. That’s why we fight for a just transition.
An increasing number of citizens, especially young citizens, see their life chances decreasing. While many are struggling to make ends meet and secure their living standard, a small group of people are increasing their wealth, often through questionable speculation on the international financial market and by using tax loopholes. We want to see everyone pay their fair share for the common good.
We fight against short-sighted austerity policy measures that only increase the pressure to shut down or privatise essential public facilities, lay off public employees, cut wages and welfare benefits and result in higher financial burden for the next generation. And we push for Green investments in public infrastructure and public goods and services, such as healthcare. We are also committed to the fight against tax evasion and tax fraud which harm our societies and lead to an underfunding of our social security systems.
We view healthcare as a common good. We support investing in healthcare, including the mental health sector, to prevent and tackle current and future health crises. We also take a holistic approach, ensuring that all policies take health into consideration and protect the wellbeing and health of people. We push to strengthen coordination and invest in public health systems throughout Europe, because the most vulnerable system weakens the whole of the European Union. We also fight for everyone to have access to life-saving medications.
We know that diverse and sustainable cities are a precondition to a prosperous and thriving life. It is our aim to strengthen communities and make cities more liveable for everyone, through policies that ensure affordable housing and inclusive communities.