The European Green Party wishes its Polish member party, Zieloni (The Greens), every success in Sunday's national elections, and encourages Polish citizens to go to the polls. Dear Polish friends, on Sunday, you can make your voice heard. You can put an end to the hard 8 years of Law and Justice government", Thomas Waitz and Mélanie Vogel, co-chairs of the European Greens, said.
The government led by Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (PiS), member of the European Conservatives and Reformists Party (ECR), has turned its back on human rights, the rule of law, climate policy and Europe. The rally of a million Polish citizens on October the 1st showed that the Polish citizens want a change. Zieloni, member of the European Green Party, is running as part of the four-party alliance Civic Coalition - Koalicja Obywatelska (KO), led by former President of the European Council Donald Tusk.
Małgorzata Tracz, member of the European Green Party Committee, and running as number 2 on the KO list in the Wroclaw constituency, says: "This Sunday is a big day. 30 million Polish voters will decide what kind of Poland we want - one that leans towards an illiberal democracy, or one that stands proudly with Europe, and builds a social and sustainable future. This isn't an abstract debate. Whether it's the right to a safe abortion, the purity of our rivers, the protection of our forests, or the freedom of journalists, these issues affect me personally, as they do so many people in Poland”.
Thomas Waitz and Mélanie Vogel conclude: “This isn't just a local fight; it's a European one. A win for the current PiS-led government would be a loss for Europe. It could divide the EU even more on critical issues like human rights, the rule of law and climate action. Zieloni is fighting hard to get better healthcare, a fair transition to cleaner energy, functional bike lanes, and the preservation of the Polish forests. But they can't do it alone. They need your help, whether you're in Poland or elsewhere in Europe. So please mobilise all your Polish friends to vote in these crucial elections. We're all in this together, and together, we can make a real change”.