GroenLinks-PvdA, the combined list of Greens and social-democrats, is the largest in the Netherlands with 8 European seats, according to the Dutch exit poll on Thursday evening. The Greens and social democrats have pushed Geert Wilders' far-right PVV party into second place.
The Dutch were the first to vote in the European elections. Voter turnout was estimated at 46.8%, the highest since the 1989 European elections.
Bas Eickhout, lead candidate of the European Greens, commented: "This is a signal for the whole of Europe: progressive politics can stop the rise of the far right. Dutch voters have sent a message of hope to the hundreds of millions of Europeans who will cast their votes in the coming days: if we mobilise and go to the polls, we can create a strong, Green and social Europe that offers solutions for a better future. We can protect Europe against the far right. Let's turn our momentum into action. Get out and vote.”
Terry Reintke, lead candidate for the European Greens, congratulated her co-lead candidate Bas Eickhout on the success: "This victory is a victory of all Greens campaigning across Europe. A surge of the far right in Europe is not a fatality. If people vote for the Greens, we can be the antidote against the far right. We call on all voters to follow the Dutch example and let's vote across Europe, vote for courage, and vote for Green candidates. Together we can win this".