The European Green Party was founded on 22 February 2004, when 34 pan-European Member Parties gathered for the 4th Congress of the European Federation of Green Parties, which took place in Rome.
The European Greens were the first to evolve from a federation to a full-fledged European Political Party, a testament of our commitment to building a united Europe that delivers to its citizens.
The first goal of the newly established European Green Party was to focus on the 2004 European Parliament elections, which was the first time a common election campaign was run throughout Europe.
Since then, the European Greens have further developed its structures to amplify the political expression of its member parties. Among other things, this includes the ability to have common policy positions, mutual election manifestos and uniformity in European election campaigns. The European Greens also have networks which bring Green politicians together.
All of this is possible thanks to the funding that the European Parliament grants to European Political Parties.