29 April 2020
Today, on April 29th, after two postponements, the European Commission is planning to yet again postpone the publication of the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies. These postponements are encouraged by agribusiness lobbies that are pushing for business-as-usual practices. If the European Commission wants to prove it has fully understood the concept of resilience, it must ensure these two strategies are presented swiftly. It must also ensure they are not watered down just to meet the demands of the conventional agriculture sector and agrochemical corporations, for whom sustainable and resilient agriculture is not a priority.
Thomas Waitz, co-chair of the European Green Party, MEP and organic farmer comments:
“Building more resilient food production systems should remain a top priority. It remains fully relevant in the framework of the recovery from the Covid-19 crisis. A strong strategy towards more sustainable agricultural practices and agroecology is beneficial for the safety and security of our food systems, for the health of our citizens and for the livelihood of European farmers. The European Commission cannot bow to the interests of agribusiness lobbies anymore!”
Note: The European Green Party is a member of the ECI alliance “Save the bees and farmers” ( calling for the phasing-out of toxic synthetic pesticides by 2035, the restoration of biodiversity, and the support of farmers in the transition towards a more sustainable agricultural sector.
Valentin Dupouey
Head of the Communication Unit / Press Officer
T +32 (0) 485 93 99 26
European Green Party
Rue Wiertz 31, 1050 Brussels, Belgium