At the 5th Global Greens Congress, Green parties, activists, and policymakers from around the world united to address pressing global challenges. The congress showcased the power of unity and highlighted the importance of global cooperation in tackling the most critical issues of our time, such as the climate crisis, conflicts across the world, a rise in authoritarianism, and democratic deficits.
At the heart of the Congress was the central theme: Climate and Democracy. Our Secretary General, Benedetta De Marte opened and closed the Congress beside the other federations, and our Committee Member Mina Jack Tolu participated in sessions on LGBTI rights and a just transition in the Mediterranean.
18 resolutions were adopted, including on topics such as Ukraine’s Kakhovka dam, LGBTI rights, climate migration and displacement, youth participation, violence against women, biodiversity, nuclear waste, and artificial intelligence. And the Korea Declaration reinforced our common values and fight for urgent action on climate crisis, biodiversity conservation, social justice, peace, and democracy!
Climate Action and COP28
We continue to advocate for ambitious climate action, pushing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, switch to renewable energy sources, and transition to a sustainable economy. As we look ahead to COP28, the European Greens will be at the forefront of negotiations, pushing for bolder commitments and comprehensive strategies to combat climate change.
Ecocide and Environmental Justice
We recognise the urgent need to protect our planet, we remain steadfast in our fight against ecocide—the destruction of ecosystems and biodiversity. Across the globe, Greens are working to strengthen environmental legislation and promote sustainable practices that preserve and restore our natural heritage. Environmental justice is at the core of our mission, ensuring that all communities have access to clean air, water, and a healthy environment. We will keep on fighting for one of the most ambitious climate and environmental policies in the world, the European Green Deal.
Defending Democracy, Shaping the Future
We are committed to defending and strengthening democratic principles and fighting the rise of authoritarianism. By fostering transparency, inclusivity, and accountability, we strive to create a political landscape where all voices are heard, and no one is left behind.
Fighting for Human Rights, Global Equality, and Peace and Security for all
We champion human rights and work tirelessly to address global inequality. We stand in solidarity with marginalised communities, fighting for equal opportunities, social justice, and fair distribution of resources. By addressing the root causes of inequality, we strive to build a more just and equitable world for present and future generations. We always stand on the side of the oppressed and whose human rights are violated. This is why we reaffirmed the principle of territorial integrity, and right to self-defense of sovereign states by adopting a resolution proposed by our Ukrainian friends on the Kakhovka dam human and ecological disaster, which condemns the illegal, brutal and colonial war of aggression of Russia against Ukraine.
Together, we can make a difference and shape a world that prioritises environmental sustainability, democracy, and social justice. Become a volunteer today.