Sunday’s Vox event in Madrid showed the real face of Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni. Together with Marine Le Pen, she celebrated the outrageous Donald Trump and Argentinian far-right president Javier Milei.
On stage not only was the right to safe abortion questioned, but also the right to divorce. The derogatory remarks of Argentine president Javier Milei towards the wife of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez were so insulting that Spain rightly recalled its ambassador to Buenos Aires for consultations. At the end of the Vox event, insults were hurled at the reporters present.
The event shows that the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) and Identity and Democracy (ID) parties are intertwined, and celebrate autocrats and fascists from all over the world. The organiser of the event, Santiago Abascal, president of Vox (ECR) called for far-right unity. The most known members of the European Conservatives and Reformists took part, with Giorgia Meloni (Brothers of Italy / ECR), former Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki Law and Justice (PiS / ECR), together with Identity and Democracy members such as French National Rally party leader Marine Le Pen (RN / ID) and André Ventura (Chega / ID), and Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán Fidesz (Non-Inscrits).
The event shows that differentiations between the two far-right political families, ECR and ID, were always purely artificial. They work together exclusively to tear apart the model of Europe we stand for: open, democratic and progressive. They challenge democratic rights, freedom of the press, social rights, and the rights of women and minorities. They are anti-European to the core.
Terry Reintke, European Green lead candidate, said: “The ECR and ID parties are two faces of the same far-right coin. At the Maastricht debate, the European People’s Party (EPP) opened the door to a future alliance with ECR. The Vox event shows that ECR will bring with it the entire far-right ideology, not only of Europe, but also the US and Latin-America. We warn that the European People's Party should stop making artificial distinctions between the ECR and ID. The EPP should exclude collaboration with any party belonging to the far right, be they ECR or ID.”
Bas Eickhout, European Green lead candidate, added: "We Greens will not let them do this. People want a stronger European Union that defends peace and democracy, and protects people's social rights and the planet. We are more motivated than ever to mobilise. To keep the far right out of power at European level, we call on everyone to go out and vote in the European elections on 6-9 June. And by voting for a member of the Green family, you can be sure that we will continue to fight against the far-right's power grab. ¡No pasarán!"