The European Greens stand in full solidarity with the tens of thousands of Georgians that courageously show that they want a European future for their country.
Reacting to the ‘foreign agents’ bill vote which just passed in the Georgian Parliament, European Green lead candidate Terry Reintke said: “Georgia belongs in the European Union. The European Greens support the people of Georgia fighting for their rights. We call for the European Union to hold accountable the Georgian government and its actions. This bill is Kremlin-inspired and aims to silence the media and non-governmental organisations, threatening Georgia’s democracy and rights”.
Bas Eickhout added: “This government bill is clearly not in line with the country’s aspiration to integrate into the European Union. We hope that the October elections will bring the end of the Georgian Dream party's rule over the country, and let the country continue its path towards integration in the European Union.”
When passed, the bill will oblige media or civil society groups in Georgia that receive more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register themselves as “organisations serving the interests of a foreign power”.
The European Greens condemn the unnecessary use of force by the police in the past weeks against the protesters in Tbilisi.