On Wednesday 20 May 2020, after months of delays, postponements and pushbacks from industrial agriculture lobbies, the European Commission finally presented two landmark strategies for the European Green Deal: the Farm to Fork Strategy and the Biodiversity Strategy. The Farm to Fork Strategy aims to make the food production system in Europe sustainable from end to end. The Biodiversity Strategy aims to counter biodiversity loss, one of the biggest threats faced by humanity.
While these two strategies are a compass pointing in the right direction, the road is still long to achieve a European Green Deal for a sustainable, carbon-neutral and climate-neutral Europe.
It is encouraging to see that the Commission is moving forward with the presentation of these strategies, including the strong targets, particularly in the face of calls to continue postponing these important measures. The coronavirus pandemic has shown us more than ever how crucial a resilient agriculture and biodiverse environment are for a strong Europe -- we must not delay in acting on this. However, we must now ensure that these strategies result in effective and ambitious implementation. This includes a comprehensive reform of the CAP to support localised supply chains as well as better monitoring and management of pesticide use to achieve reduction targets.
Thomas Waitz, co-chair of the European Green Party, organic farmer and MEP comments:
“These strategies are key if Europe wants to operate within planetary boundaries, in particular regarding its agricultural policy. The new Common Agricultural Policy will need to take into account these strategies. It is fully possible to develop a resilient and sovereign farm to fork food system that feeds Europe and benefits nature, farmers and consumers. What we need now are concrete tools to achieve the ambitious targets laid out in these strategies.
We must also ensure that the European Parliament develops a strong position on these two strategies. The fight will be tough against agro-business and industrial lobbies who have already managed to water down the content of these strategies. No doubt these lobbies will be actively trying to limit European ambitions.”
Valentin Dupouey
Head of the Communication Unit / Press Officer
E valentin.dupouey@europeangreens.eu
T +32 (0) 485 93 99 26
European Green Party
Rue Wiertz 31, 1050 Brussels, Belgium