The European Greens call for urgent climate action and adaptation measures following the devastating and fatal extreme weather events in Southern Germany and Northern Italy.
Europe is the fastest warming continent and is seeing temperatures rise at around twice the global average rate. This has severe implications for ecosystems, food security, and overall climate resilience. Europe registered over 200 fatalities due to floods in 2021, and 60,000 premature deaths due to heatwaves in 2022. The economic losses from weather and climate-related extremes in the EU reached 650 billion euros between 1980 and 2021. This highlights the urgent need to speed up the implementation of adaptation measures and to continue the Green Deal.
European Green lead candidate Bas Eickhout stresses the need for climate adaptation and resilience: “Our thoughts are with the families of the victims, and with all those affected by this disaster. The climate crisis is here and it is affecting us severely. Bold European action is crucial to mitigate its impacts and prepare for future challenges. A climate resilient Europe urgently requires the restoration of nature. Defending such policies against its right-wing adversaries is crucial to our survival and prosperity.”
European Green lead candidate Terry Reintke, who went to the flood-affected region of Bayern in southern Germany, asks for increased EU cooperation in disaster response, emphasising the need for shared resources such as helicopters and emergency services. "Our ability to respond swiftly and effectively to such disasters can save lives. There is a growing recognition that protecting our climate and environment is fundamentally about protecting people. The climate crisis is no longer about the future, it is about today. The window to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change is closing rapidly. We stand at a critical juncture in history. The time to act is now. In this week’s elections, the future of the Green Deal and climate action is on the ballot.”