The network supports the development of the Green movement in the Balkan region.
It organises events and discussions, supports cooperation, and promotes networking with other Green stakeholders in Europe.
If you want to participate in the Balkan Network, contact us on and get involved.
The network supports the development of the Green parties in the Mediterranean and southern Europe countries.
It organises events and discussions, supports cooperation, and promotes networking with other Green stakeholders in Europe.
If you want to participate in the Mediterranean Network, contact us on and get involved.
The network focuses on issues related to women’s rights and gender equality.
It supports Greens across Europe that are working on these issues by strengthening communication and cooperation between Green Parties, the FEMM Committee (Women’s Rights and Gender Equality) of the European Parliament, and civil society.
If you want to participate in the Gender Network, contact us on and get involved.
- Empower. Fight. Resist. Five years of feminist struggle in Europe
- Empodera. Lucha. Resiste. Cinco años de lucha feminista en Europa
The network, also known as the European Queer Greens, gathers members of Green Parties who are interested in working on queer rights on a European level.
It provides a platform for debate, discussion, mutual support and communication with Green stakeholders in Europe.
If you want to participate in the Queer Network, contact us on and get involved.
The network, also known as the European Network of Green Seniors, brings experienced Greens from across Europe together and aims to provide a discussion platform for the political questions that concern elderly people.
The network engages in debates that touch on a wide variety of topics, ranging from pensions to the influence of climate change on the elderly, and more.
If you want to participate in the Seniors Network, visit
or contact us on and get involved.
The Green Disability Network aims to facilitate communication and cooperation between working groups on disability policies of different member parties. Further, we want to raise the awareness about disability issues, such as broad accessibility among the Greens in Europe.
The Network organises parallel sessions and discussions on topics concerning disability at EGP Councils.
If you want to participate in the Disability Network, contact us on and get involved.