About the Irish Greens
The Green Party Ireland found political form in the late 1970s and early 1980s as Green parties were being established across the globe. In Ireland, the Green Party (then known as the Ecology Party of Ireland) was officially formed on the 3rd of December 1981 by a group of people with a long-term vision for an Ireland that protected and enhanced our island’s natural environment, heritage, biodiversity and communities.
Since we elected our first Councillor in 1985, we have spent the last 40 years working both in opposition and in government to drive change and deliver a just transition that protects our natural world and brings a fairer economic model for everyone. The Party's first big breakthrough was electing 2 MEPs in 1995 (and retaining them in the 1999 election). By the start of the 21st century, our main objective was to achieve 4% of the vote. In 2007, we succeeded in electing 6 TDs and entered government for the first time.
Despite the significant damage that the 2008 Financial Crisis caused the Greens during this period in government, the Party was determined to rebuild and remained open to returning to a coalition government. This refusal to allow electoral cycles dictate policy is core to the identity of the Green Party.
To support families, we have delivered a 50% reduction in childcare fees and enshrined the right of employees to work from home. We introduced Cost Rental homes to Ireland, with more housing being built near public services so we can enjoy vibrant town centres. Spending on footpaths and cycle lanes has increased by 600% in an effort to ensure that it is safe for every child to walk and cycle to school. With a 20%-50% cuts to public transport fares and a new electrified system, public transport is becoming cleaner, more affordable, and more reliable. We passed our first ever legally binding law to halve carbon emissions by 2030, created a Basic Income for artists, and made contraception free for 17 to 35 years olds.
Our Green voices are in the room, at the decision making table, where we need to be.